General Information:

MgA. David Moješčík, alias MojDa

Born: July 25, 1974 in Frýdek-Místek (Moravian-Silesian Region), Czech Republic.


19881991 Stone – cutter´s apprentice training in Žulová, Czech Republic
1992 Building school in Ostrava-Zábřeh, Czech Republic, graphic design
1993 Fine Art school in Ostrava, Czech Republic, industrial design
19931996 High Statuary school in Hořice v Podkrkonoší, Czech Republic
19961998 Faculty of Fine Arts of Technical University in Brno (FaVU VUT), sculpture studio (Prof. ak. soch. V. Preclík)
19981999 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, sculpture and medal school (Prof. ak. soch. J. Hendrych)
19992002 Faculty of Fine Arts of Technical University in Brno (FaVU VUT), figurative sculpture studio (Doc. ak. soch. M. Gabriel)

Internship – Creative Stays:

2000 Student workshop, Čimelice, CCA Prague
2000 Sculpture projects for the city of Hodonín, Hodonín, CCA Prague
2001 Student workshop, Čimelice, CCA Prague
2007 The Cill Rialaig Project, Ballinskelligs, Ireland


2003 Tragicomedy – sculptural group in foyer of Činoherní klub Theatre in Prague
2009 Operation Anthropoid Memorial, Prague (co-authors: MgA. M. Šmeral, Ing. arch. M. Tůmová and J. Gulbis)
2010 The Levitation, Ostrava-Svinov, (co-authors of architectural design: Ing. arch. P. Ševcůjová a Ing. arch. P. Malina)
2010 sculptural elements in the interior of Činoherní klub (theatre) in Prague (co-author MgA. M. Šmeral)
2012 memorial bronze plaque, Jan Drtina Concert Hall, Jan Deyl Conservatory, Prague
2013 The Virtue of Virtues, statue in someones garden, private investor, Beskydy area
2013 Will-o’-the-wisp, bronze statue in someones garden, private investor, Beskydy area
2017 Levitation I, private terrace, Prague
2017 The Statue of Leoš Janáček – Leoš Janáček’s bench, Jirásek Square, Ostrava (author of architectural design: Ing. arch. P. Malina)
2018 Karel Kryl Memorial, Ostrava, (author of architectural design: Ing. arch. P. Malina)
2018 The Statue of Věra Špinarová, (author of architectural design: Ing. arch. P. Malina)
2019 fAe (The King Cobra), private terrace, Prague
2024 EVA, spa area of the Čeladná Rehabilitation Center in the Beskydy

Another Activities:

19921993 stonecutter in the stoneworks in Frýdek-Místek
Since 1999 collaboration on the works of prof. akad. soch. Michal Gabriel (dozens of sculptural works – from the most important – e.g. Horses in Dejvice, Sigmund Freud, Three bronze sharks, etc.)
20012005 collaboration with anthropologist Mgr. P. Malou Phd. On reconstructions of the human form according to the skull
20022003 civil service in Prague at the Drama Club
20032005 work for PhDr. Josef Smýkal – creation of portraits of L. Braille, V. Haüy and K. E. Macan
February 2003 cooperation with Mgr. Jiří Surůvka (creation of the Batman statue)
Spring 2004 collaboration with artists: prof. if. Sculpture. M. Gabriel, MgA. B. Špaletová and MgA. L. Rittstein on the Indonesian Jungle project for the Troja Zoo in Prague
20042005 Ostrava High Fine Art School, teacher and deputy director for professional subjects
Since 2005 freelancer
Since 2006 cooperation on some projects with MgA. Michal Šmeral
Since 2009 cooperation on some projects with Ing. arch. Jan Dluhoš, Ing. arch. Miroslava Tůmová and Ing. arch. Jiří Gulbis, Ing. arch. Petra Ševcůjová and Ing. arch. Pavel Malina
Since 2011 cooperation with MgA. Ales Bernard
Since 2012 external teacher at SSUŠ AVE ART Ostrava


November 15, 2002 Josef Hlávka Award

Participation In Competitions:

2006 Design of a W. A. Mozart sculpture in Brno (co-author BcA. Michal Šmeral)
2006 Design of a statue of Jan Antonín Bata
2007 Design of the Memorial to T. A. Edison (with BcA. M. Šmeral and ing. arch. J. Dluhoš)
2007 Design of the Nikola Tesla Monument for Nikola Tesla Square in Prague (co-author BcA. M. Šmeral, architectural solution Ing. arch. J. Dluhoš) – 2nd place
2008 Design of the Fountain of Justice for Moravian Square in Brno
(co-author BcA. M. Šmeral, architectural solution Ing. arch. M. Tůmová and J. Gulbis) – 3rd place
2008 Design of the Anthropoid Operation Memorial in Prague (co-author MgA. M. Šmeral, architectural solution Ing. arch. M. Tůmová and J. Gulbis) – 1st place – realisation in 2009
2008 Design of a Fountain for Dominikánské náměstí in Brno – “Fish fountain” (co-author MgA. M. Šmeral, architectural design by engineer. arch. M. Tůmová and J. Gulbis)
2008 Levitation sculpture design for Dr. Braun square in Ostrava–Svinov, (co-authors of the architectural design Ing. arch. P. Ševcůjová, Ing. arch. P. Malina), – 1st Place – realization in 2010
2009 Design of the equestrian statue of Margrave Jost of Luxembourg for the Moravian Square in Brno (co-author MgA. M. Šmeral)
2009 Návrh památníku generála George Smitha Pattona v Plzni (spoluautor MgA. M. Šmeral, architektonické řešení Ing. arch. P. Malina a Ing. arch. L. Chlebek)
2010 Design of the Holocaust Memorial in Brno (co-author MgA. Michal Šmeral, architectural solution Ing. arch. P. Malina)
2011 Proposal for the artwork dedicated to the Legacy of T. G. M. (architectural solution by Ing. arch. P. Malina)
2012 Proposals for Meteorological objects in the Botanica Park in Prague (co-author MgA. M. Šmeral)
2014 Design of Milada Horáková Monument (co-author MgA. M. Šmeral and Ing. arch. P. Malina)
2014 Design of Milada Horáková Monument (co-author MgA. M. Šmeral and Ing. arch. P. Malina)
2018 Proposal for the artwork of a statue dedicated to the architect Adolf Loos in Brno, (co-author MgA. M. Šmeral and Ing. arch. J. Gulbis), 4th place
2023 Competition for the design of the Statue of Marie Restituta Kafková in Brno (co-author MgA. Michal Šmeral)
2024 Architectural and artistic one-phase open design competition – Tribute to Queen Eliška Rejčka in Staré Brno (co-author MgA. Michal Šmeral, architectural design by engineer. arch. M. Gulbisová and J. Gulbis)

Represented in galleries:

Works in private collections.
Artpro Gallery, Prague
Technical Museum in Brno

Other Interests:

My Family, Yoga, Fine Art, nature, computer graphics, life