
2023 Proposal for a statue of Marie Restituta Kafková in Brno
2022 Proposal for the realization of the tombstone of prof. Alois Hajda
2022 Proposal for the realization of Erik Knirsch's tombstone
2021 Proposal for the realization of the tombstone of prof. PhDr. Antonína added
2018 Proposal for a memorial plaque dedicated to Doc. Dr. Ing. Jaroslav Kříženecký, Dr.Sc.
2018 Proposal for a sculpture dedicated to the architect Adolf Loos in Brno
2016 Proposal for the realization of the tombstone of prof. Francis Gregor Emmert
2015 Proposal for the realization of the tombstone of prof. MD Ladislav Pilka, DrSc.
2014 Proposal for a sculpture dedicated to the poet Jan Skácel
2014 Design of the monument to Dr. Milady Horáková
2014 Design of the tombstone of Mira Figarova on the honorary burial ground of the Brno Central Cemetery
2014 Proposal for the SVU Award for the International Drawing Biennale Pilsen 2014
2013 Proposal for a monument to Maria Theresa in Prague
2013 Design of a sculpture in the area by the pond near the fortress in the village of Velká Polom near Ostrava
2012 Design of objects/sculptures for the Botanica park in Prague - Jinonice
2011 Proposal for an artwork dedicated to the legacy of T. G. Masaryk
2010 Proposal for the realization of the tombstone of music composer Jan Novák
2010 Competition design of the Holocaust memorial in Brno
2009 Design of the monument to General Patton in Pilsen
2009 Competition design of the equestrian statue of Margrave Jošt of Luxemburg
2008 Proposal for the design of the fountain on Dominikánská náměstí in Brno
2008 Proposal for the design of the artistic design of the sculpture on the square Dr. Braun in Ostrava-Svinov
2008 Proposal for a monument to Operation Anthropoid in Prague
2008 Proposal for a statue of Justice in front of the building of the Supreme Administrative Court on Moravské náměstí in Brno
2007 Proposal for the realization of the Ernst Mach relief
2007 Competition for the Nikola Tesla monument
2007 Proposal for a monument to Thomas Alva Edison in Brno
2006 Competition proposal for the design of the Jan Antonín Bata monument for the city of Zlín
2006 Art competition for a statue of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Brno
2004 Proposals for CowParade Prague
2000 Projects for the city of Hodonín