Věra Špinarová I

The portrait of Leoš Janáček (Leoš Janáček I) was commissioned by the Moravská Ostrava and Přívoz district. However, the intention to create a statue of Leoš Janáček is much older in my work. The statue of Leoš Janáček sitting on a bench was originally supposed to be created as part of an installation – a joint project with Václav Stratil and Michal Šmeral. We intended this installation to be a figurative installation that would represent the artist Václav Stratil (I created his portrait sculpture back in 2000), who, in the attitude of the artist, creates his image of the fox Bystrouška after the fox that Janáček holds on his lap. This motif was partly preserved, but with the difference that the fox that Leoš Janáček is holding on his lap is already dead – which corresponds to Janáček’s opera work and is also a certain symbol of Ostrava – Leoš Janáček died in an Ostrava hospital on 12 August 1928
Portrait of Jan Antonín Baťa, competition model of statue (figure).