The Little Mermaid – bronze version

The Little Mermaid - bronze version, 2010

bronze, stainless steel

100 cm x 55 cm x 56 cm

Private collection

The Little Mermaid – the statue belongs to a series of several statues of nymphs and fairies, or subjects from fairy tales, to which I began to turn more after the death of my father. A fairy tale is like a story with the promise of a happy ending, but it is the legend of the mermaid that brings a completely different ending. The composition of the sculpture can be unsettling, it is balanced and stands on tiny three points. The elements of hyperrealism and expression add to expectations, amazement, but also sobering up and a sense of irreversible destiny.
Thanks to a private investor, this bronze version with a stone plinth made of granite was created. The eyes are made of stainless steel in the form of inlay.

Photos: author’s archive and Kristýna Štuková

The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid, 2010

polyester, fiberglass, china

100 cm x 55 cm x 56 cm

Private collection

The Little Mermaid – the statue belongs to the series of several statues of nymphs and fairies, or the subject of a fairy tale, that I found after my father died. A fairy tale is like a story with the promise of a happy ending, however, it is the legend of the mermaid that brings a very different ending. The composition of the sculpture can create some unease, it is balanced and stands on a tiny three points. Elements of hyperrealism and expression then illustrate anticipation, wonder, but also sobering and a sense of irreversible fate.
Thanks to a private investor, a bronze version was created also.

The Levitation III

The Levitation III, 2009

polyester, steel, acrylic and oil paint

200 cm x 190 cm x 200 cm (h x w x d)

On loan at the premises of the Center for Contemporary Art DOX, Poupětova 1, Prague 7

The sculpture Levitation III, what represents a seated statue of a woman in the lotus yoga position, which is creatively shifted into an altered composition and creates the impression of floating (levitation) by touching the ground only at a few points – the little toe of one foot and a few fingers of the left and right hand. There is free space under the figure that can be looked into. The work is based on my similar, earlier sculptures – Levitation I and Levitation II, but most importantly it is a completely reworked model of the bronze sculpture “Levitation 2010”, which I created in 2010 for Dr. Braun Square in Ostrava – Svinov (the realization resulting from the victory in the public sculpture competition in 2009).

Photos: Kristýna Štuková and Georg Hörmann